Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions

“The Company”: An Estonian company registered at Pae 25-47, Tallinn, 11414, with company registration number 12217621.

“The Website”: Refers to the tech-careers.nl Internet site, including the domain ‘tech-careers.nl’ and any associated network sites.

2. General

2.1 These terms override all previous agreements between the Company and the Client.

2.2 Any changes to these terms must be confirmed in writing by a Company director.

2.3 Using the advertising service indicates acceptance of these terms.

2.4 Signing an order form indicates acceptance of these terms.

3. Obligations

The Company commits to delivering comprehensive advertising services and reserves the right to modify or reject submitted materials to comply with advertising codes and legal requirements.

3.1 While the Company aims for continuous, error-free service, it does not guarantee this and is not liable for access issues caused by third-party failures or client equipment problems.

4. Liability

4.1 The Company shall not be held responsible for any delays, costs, expenses, losses, or damages arising from the failure to deliver advertising services.

4.2 While the Company does not guarantee the accuracy of the text in advertisements, it will strive to ensure information accuracy and rectify any errors.

5. Jurisdiction and Enforceability

5.1 This agreement and its provisions are governed by Estonian law, and the parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Estonian courts.

5.2 Should any term be deemed invalid, the enforceability of the remaining terms shall not be affected.


We are committed to data protection and have updated our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to comply with GDPR. Please refer to our updated Privacy Policy: tech-careers.nl Privacy Policy.